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浙江工业大学 机械工程学院,浙江 杭州 310032
关键词:  环瓣式浮环密封  气体润滑  瑞利台阶型槽  动压特性  型槽参数
Gas Hydrodynamic Lubrication Performance of Split Floating Ring Seals with Rayleigh Step Grooves
YANG Hong-wei, BAI Shao-xian
College of Mechanical Engineering,Zhejiang University of Technology,Hangzhou 310032,China
In order to improve the opening capacity of seal gas film and meet the requirements of long life design of split floating ring seals, the hydrodynamic effect of Rayleigh step groove was studied based on gas lubrication theory. The pressure distribution and dynamic pressure effect of seal gas film were numerically calculated by finite difference method. Meanwhile, the effects of operation parameters and groove geometry parameters on film pressure and leakage rate were analyzed. The numerical results show that the surface Rayleigh step groove can produce obvious gas hydrodynamic effect, which can make the mean pressure and leakage rate increase by 38.6% and 10.3%, respectively. The groove geometric parameters present significant influence on the hydrodynamic effect, the mean gas film pressure increases with the increase of groove width, groove number and groove depth. Besides, with the increase of groove width and groove number radius ratio, the dimensionless mean pressure increases first and then decreases.
Key words:  Split floating ring seal  Gas lubrication  Rayleigh step groove  Hydrodynamic effect  Groove parameters