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北京航空航天大学 能源与动力工程学院,北京 100191
关键词:  镍基单晶合金  蠕变  本构模型  变载条件  损伤
Creep Constitutive Modeling of Nickel-Base Single Crystal Superalloy under Varying Loading
ZHANG Yu-man, SHI Duo-qi, SUI Tian-xiao, YANG Xiao-guang
School of Energy and Power Engineering,Beihang University,Beijing 100191,China
Aiming at the creep calculation of nickel-base single crystal (SC) superalloy under varying loading, based on the hypothesis of ‘equal damage’, a new damage hardening criterion suitable for varying stress/temperature conditions was proposed. The hardening criterion was combined with the creep law coupling damage. The Arrhenius logarithmic relation was used to interpolate the creep strain rate according to the temperature to calculate creep in a certain temperature range. The above model was coded as ABAQUS / UMAT subroutine. The creep test data of DD3, CMSX-4, DD6 and DDXX were used to verify the ability of the model in simulating creep deformation under different temperatures and loads, different crystal orientations, varying stress/temperature conditions. The results show that the model can accurately simulate the anisotropic creep deformation of SC superalloy at different temperatures and different crystal orientations. Compared with traditional models, the new creep model is simpler and more effective with higher accuracy for simulating the creep deformation of SC superalloy under varying stress and temperature conditions. The developed subroutine can be used to calculate the creep response of SC turbine blade under varying loading conditions.
Key words:  Nickel-base single crystal superalloy  Creep  Constitutive model  Varying loading conditions  Damage