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兰州空间技术物理研究所 真空技术与物理重点实验室,甘肃 兰州 730000
关键词:  离子推力器  宽功率范围  多模式  流率特性  实验研究
Experimental Study on Flow Rate Characteristic of Multi-Mode Ion Thruster
ZHAO Yi-de, LI Jian-peng, GUO De-zhou, GENG Hai, YANG Hao, YANG Wei, GU Zeng-jie
Science and Technology on Vacuum Technology and Physics Laboratory,LanZhou Institute of Physics, Lanzhou 730000,China
To maximize the performance and reliability of the ion thruster at all operating modes over a wide range of power, the cathode and neutralizer plume mode transition flow rate, the cathode flow rate corresponding to discharge voltage 30V and discharge loss curve versus beam current have been investigated by a diameter of 30cm multi-mode ion thruster. When the 30cm multi-mode ion thruster beam current increased from 0.3A to 3.3A, the cathode plume mode transition flow rate increased from 0.017mg/s to 0.163mg/s, the cathode flow rate corresponding to discharge voltage 30V increased from 0.129mg/s to 0.231mg/s, and the neutralizer cathode plume mode transition flow rate increased from 0.030mg/s to 0.191mg/s. With the increase of discharge propellant utilization efficiency, discharge loss increased sharply as beam current less than 1.5A. By contrast, discharge loss is not sensitive to discharge propellant utilization efficiency as beam current larger than 1.5A. Based on these results the optimum flow rates of the 30cm multi-mode ion thruster at the 35 operating modes over a power range from 0.3kW to 5kW were designed and evaluated. The experimental results showed that the discharge voltage of 30cm multi-mode ion thruster was less than 30V, and the cathode and neutralizer operated under spot mode, as well as the measured thrust was 9.6~185.2mN and specific impulse was 1332~3568s at the power of 258~4761W.
Key words:  Ion thruster  Wide range of input power  Multi-mode  Flow rate characteristic  Experimental research