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1.南京航空航天大学 能源与动力学院,江苏 南京 210016;2.中国航发控制系统研究所,江苏 无锡 214063;3.中国航空常州蓝翔机械有限责任公司,江苏 常州 213022
关键词:  涡扇发动机  加速控制计划  相似换算  等温线  全包线
Improvement Method of Turbofan Engine Full-Envelope Acceleration Control Schedule
LIU Zi-he1, ZHENG Qian-gang1, LIU Ming-lei2, HU Chun-ping3, ZHANG Hai-bo1
1.College of Energy and Power,Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing 210016,China;2.China Aerospace Power Control System Research Institute,Wuxi 214063,China;3.AECC Changzhou Lanxiang Machinery Limited Liability Company,Changzhou 213022,China
The acceleration control schedule directly affects the response speed and operation safety of the engine. In order to improve the engine responsiveness, a full envelope engine acceleration control plan based on isotherm was proposed. A similarity conversion error analysis was conducted for steady-state and dynamic processes, respectively, and it was proved and verified that the key parameters have higher accuracy on similarity conversion at the same fan inlet temperature. Based on this conversion error theory, an improved method of full envelope acceleration control schedule is proposed. This method designs multiple acceleration control schedules at different equal fan inlet temperatures, and then obtains the acceleration control schedules under different isotherms in the envelope by linear interpolation. The results show that the improved acceleration control schedule compared to the traditional single operating point optimization of the acceleration control schedule, the time required for the engine to accelerate to 98% of the maximum speed reduced by 7.2%, the maximum speed increased by 1%. The fan and compressor surge margin and pre turbine temperature did not exceed the limit. Therefore, compared with the traditional single operating point optimization method, this method not only improves the accuracy of the acceleration control schedule obtained in the envelope, but also ensures that the engine can have better acceleration performance under the premise of safe and stable operation of the envelope.
Key words:  Turbofan engine  Acceleration control schedule  Similarity conversion  Isotherm  Full envelope