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1.西北工业大学 动力与能源学院,陕西 西安 710129;2.中国航空发动机集团 航空发动机动力传输重点实验室,辽宁 沈阳 110015
关键词:  环下润滑  径向收油环  计算流体力学  油气两相流  收油效率
Internal Flow Field Analysis and Optimization Structure of Oil Scoop Blade in Under-Race Lubrication Structure
JIANG Le1, LIU Zhen-xia1, LYU Ya-guo1, GAO Xiao-guo2
1.School of Power and Energy,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xi’an 710129,China;2.Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Technology on Aero-Engine,AECC,Shenyang 110015,China
In order to study the internal flow of the under-race lubrication structure and optimize the oil scoop blade structure, a numerical calculation model was established according to the flow characteristics of the high rotating speed and strong swirl flow inside the under-race lubrication structure. The oil-gas two-phase flow of the original structure was analyzed and the loss mechanism of the oil was summarized. On this basis, the optimized and improved structure of the oil scoop blade was proposed. The effects of the different oil scoop blade structures on the internal flow and the oil capture efficiency of under-race lubrication were discussed in detail. The results show that the collision splash generated by the oil impacting the main shaft and the oil being thrown out along the oil scoop blade under the centrifugal action in the original structure are the reasons for the drop in oil capture efficiency. The maximum increase of air velocity near the blade tip of the optimized oil scoop blade structure is not more than 4 m/s. After the circular arc transition is adopted at the corner of the oil scoop blade root and the blade root is extended, the oil capture efficiency is only slightly higher than that of the original structure in the low rotating speed range, and the maximum oil capture efficiency increased by 1.03%. In the structure of adding a stepped structure and further extending the blade root, the oil capture efficiency can be improved in the entire rotating speed range, and the maximum oil capture efficiency can increase by nearly 5.0% compared with the original structure.
Key words:  Under-race lubrication  Radial oil scoop  Computational fluid dynamics  Oil-gas two-phase flow  Oil capture efficiency