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南京航空航天大学 能源与动力学院 航空发动机热环境与热结构工业和信息化部重点实验室, 江苏 南京 210016
关键词:  外物损伤  高周疲劳强度  不锈钢  缺口类型  微观损伤
Effects of Foreign Object Damage on Fatigue Strength of Stainless Steel Simulated Blades
WANG Ling-feng, XU Xiang-sheng, ZHAO Zhen-hua, CHEN Wei
Key Laboratory of Aero-Engine Thermal Environment and Structure,Ministry of Industry and Information Technology,College of Energy and Power Engineering,Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing 210016,China
In order to study the residual fatigue strength of stainless steel blade after foreign object damage (FOD), FOD and high cycle fatigue (HCF) tests of 1Cr15Ni4Mo3N stainless steel simulation specimens of real blade leading edge were carried out. FOD tests of simulation blades were performed by the air cannon system and the results show that the damage can be divided into three types: semicircle type, V type and tearing type. The damage depth increases with the enlargement of the steel ball diameter and the incident velocity. HCF tests of test samples subjected to FOD were conducted by a step-loading method. The results show that the amplitude fatigue strength of test samples subjected to FOD has decreased by more than 70%. It shows a significant downward trend with the increase of damage depth and incident speed. The HCF strength of three notch types is different. The fatigue strength of semicircle type notch is higher, while of V type notch is slightly lower, and of tearing type notch is the lowest. The micro characteristics of damage notches and fatigue fractures were observed by SEM. The fatigue source area is near the notch root surface, which indicates that the loss of material, shear bands and shear dimples caused by high-speed impact promote the initiation of fatigue crack.
Key words:  Foreign object damage  High cycle fatigue strength  Stainless steel  Notch type  Micro damage