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1.四川大学 水利水电学院,水力学与山区河流开发保护国家重点实验室,四川 成都 610065;2.北京动力机械研究所,北京 100074
关键词:  协同吸气式火箭发动机  预冷器  Zukauskas关联式  管束  微细管
Evaluation and Analysis of Applicability of Zukauskas Correlation to Microtubular Pre-Cooler
LI Gang1, MA Tong-ling2, LIU Hong-tao1, ZHANG Zhi-gang2, TANG Ji-guo1, SUN Li-cheng1
1.State Key Laboratory of Hydraulics and Mountain River Engineering,College of Water Resource & Hydropower, Sichuan University,Chengdu 610065,China;2.Beijing Power Machinery Institute,Beijing 100074,China
In order to investigate the applicability of Zukauskas correlation in heat transfer characteristics calculation about shell-side of slim tube bundle, numerical simulation was employed to obtain the heat transfer characteristics outside of the tube bundle. It showed very strong heat transfer around the first few rows of the tube bundle, where the air temperature experienced rapid decrease, afterwards, the reduction became slow. And because of this, a prediction about 27% higher than that of the simulation results was resulted by Zukauskas correlation on the basis of conventional average physical properties. A comparison shows that it is no longer suitable of logarithmic mean temperature difference taking heat exchanger tube bundle as a whole under a large change of temperature. Considering the dramatic change of air temperature, the heat transfer region was segmented along the flow direction, heat transfer in each segments was predicted by Zukauskas correlation respectively, by which the prediction accuracy was greatly improved, and when the heat region was divided into 12 parts, the average deviation was reduced to around 5.8%. In view of this, it is suggested to segment the heat exchange area outside a tube bundle for predicting the heat transfer characteristics by Zukauskas correlation under the condition of sudden cooling.
Key words:  SABRE  Pre-cooler  Zukauskas correlation  Tube bundle  Slim tube