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1.上海空间推进研究所,上海 201112;2.上海空间发动机工程技术研究中心,上海 201112
关键词:  凝胶推进剂  火箭发动机  雾化特性  液膜  撞击流
Research Progress on Spray Characteristics of Gelled Propellants
SHI Zhe-hang1,2, WU Er-long1,2, YAO Feng1,2, LIU Chang-guo1,2
1.Shanghai Institute of Space Propulsion,Shanghai 201112,China;2.Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Space Engine,Shanghai 201112,China
To further understand the spray process of gelled propellants and promote the design and optimization of the gelled engine, the research progresses on the atomization characteristics of gelled propellants from impinging jets, swirl, bubble injectors and under combustion condition are reviewed. The review results show that, the atomization performance of gelled propellants is significantly worse than that of Newtonian fluid propellant. The size of the gelled sheet increases obviously, and the ligament is difficult to break into small droplets. The spray quality of impinging jets injector on gelled propellants is better than that of swirl injector. As the jet Reynolds number and Weber number increase, the spray patterns of gelled impinging sheets display the closed rim, open rim, rimless ray, ligament separation and fully developed patterns in turns. The uses of the conical structure, decreasing the ratio of the length to diameter at nozzle exit, square and elliptic nozzle exit are all beneficial to the breakup of gelled sheets, and increasing the injection pressure, impinging angle, temperature and chamber pressure, as well as reducing the impinging distance can also improve the spray quality of gelled sheets. The breakup and spray regimes of MMH/NTO gelled propellants impinging sheet under combustion condition macroscopically agree with those of gelled propellant simulants under cold model. In addition, suggestions for further researches on the spray characteristics of gelled propellants are put forward.
Key words:  Gelled propellant  Rocket engine  Spray characteristic  Liquid sheet  Impinging jets