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1.大连交通大学 环境与化学工程学院,辽宁 大连 116028;2.中国科学院大连化学物理研究所 中国科学院航天催化材料重点实验室,辽宁 大连 116023
为研究氨与金属离子对ADN基推进剂冰点与常温贮存稳定性的影响,采用GB/T 2430-2008的喷气燃料冰点测量法研究了氨对ADN-水体系冰点的影响,并采用美军标STANAG 4582的微量热加速老化法研究了氨与过渡金属离子对ADN-水体系常温贮存稳定性的影响。实验结果表明,氨的加入可有效降低ADN-水体系的冰点并提高其常温贮存稳定性;痕量Fe3+与Cr3+(≤15mg/kg)的引入使ADN-水体系的稳定性小幅提升,而30mg/kg Fe3+,Cr3+与痕量Cu2+的引入使ADN推进剂稳定性略有下降,但仍在安全贮存使用标准范围内。以上结果说明,对于ADN基推进剂体系而言,氨是一种优秀助剂,可有效提升ADN基绿色推进剂的使用温度范围与稳定性;而在推进剂的生产、转运和加注过程中,应避免过量金属离子的引入。
关键词:  二硝酰胺铵  冰点  稳定性  金属离子  绿色推进剂
Effects of Ammonia and Metal Ions on Stability of ADN-Based Green Propellant System
MA Zhi-yong1,2, ZHU Shao-min1, CONG Wei-min2, WANG Xiao-dong2, WANG Wen-tao2, ZHANG Wan-sheng2
1.College of Environmental and Chemical Engineering,Dalian Jiaotong University,Dalian 116028,China;2.CAS Key Laboratory of Science on Applied Catalysis,Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Dalian 116023,China
In order to study the effects of ammonia and metal ions on the freezing point and stability of ADN-based propellants at room temperature, aviation fuel freezing point test method described in GB/T 2430-2008 was used to explore the effects of ammonia on freezing point of ADN-water system, and microthermal accelerated aging method described in NATO standard STANAG 4582 was used to measure effects of ammonia and transition metal ions on storage stability of ADN-water system at room temperature. The results show that ammonia effectively reduces the freezing point of the ADN-water system and improves its storage stability at room temperature. The introduction of trace Fe3+ and Cr3+ (≤15mg/kg) makes the stability of ADN-based green propellants slightly improved, while the introduction of 30mg/kg Fe3+, Cr3+ and trace Cu2+ all slightly reduces the stability of ADN propellants, while its room temperature stability is still within the standard of safe storage. The above results indicate that for the ADN-based propellant system, ammonia is an excellent additive, which can effectively improve its application temperature range and stability, and in the process of its production, transfer and filling, the introduction of metal ions should be avoided.
Key words:  Ammonium dinitramide  Freezing point  Stability  Metal ion  Green propellant