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中国民用航空飞行学院 民航安全工程学院,四川 广汉 618307
关键词:  铝合金  热载荷  力学性能  裂纹  断裂  疲劳试验
Effects of Loading Parameters on Multiaxial Fatigue Failure of 2A12-T4 Aluminum Alloy at High Temperature
CUI Ren-hao, ZHANG Jian-ping, HE Yuan-hua, YANG Bang
College of Civil Aviation Safety Engineering,Civil Aviation Flight University of China,Guanghan 618307,China
In order to study the multiaxial fatigue failure law of aluminum alloy at high temperature, tension-torsion fatigue tests on 2A12-T4 aluminum alloy round bar specimens were conducted at 175℃.Under the same equivalent Von-Mises stress amplitude, the cracks initiation and propagation under different loading cycles were observed and recorded, and the effects of loading parameters(amplitude stress ratio λ and phase angle φ) on the cracks initiation and propagation were studied.The results show that the maximum shear stress plane was a dangerous plane if it existed, and cracks initiated and propagated preferentially in this plane. When λ=0.5, φ=90°, the shear stress was the same everywhere on the test surface, the crack initiated and propagated preferentially near the maximum normal stress plane, which became the dangerous plane. When the normal stress dominated the crack propagation, the process from crack initiation to fatigue fracture only accounted for 16.2% of the total life, which was prone to generate rapid fracture. When λ=0.5, φ=0°and λ=0.5, φ=90°, there was an obvious transition from stage I to stage II in the process of crack propagation,the fracture tended to brittle fracture with brittle stripes and flat surface. When λ=1, φ=90°and λ=3φ=0°, there was no obvious transition from stage I to stage II, the fracture surface was uneven, which was a typical mixed fracture, with visible fatigue source region,propagation region and final rupture region.
Key words:  Aluminum alloy  Heat load  Mechanical performance  Crack  Fracture  Fatigue test