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1.西安近代化学研究所,陕西 西安 710065;2.西北工业大学 燃烧、流动和热结构国家级重点试验室,陕西 西安 710072
关键词:  层流火焰  本生灯  铝粉  燃料  颗粒粒径
Experimental Investigation on Laminar Flame Speed of Aluminum Based Powder Fuel
DENG Zhe1, ZHANG zheng-ze1, LI Hong-yan1, FAN Xue-zhong1, HU Shao-qing1, XU Gui-yang1, HU Chun-bo2, GONG Jian-liang1
1.Xi’an Modern Chemistry Research Institute,Xi’an 710065,China;2.National Key Laboratory of Combustion, Flow and Thermo-Structure,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xi’an 710072,China
The Bunsen type gas-solid two-phase experimenter for laminar flame was designed and applied to investigate the flame spreading characteristics of aluminum based powder fuel. The experimental investigations were proposed to illustrate the laminar flame speed for aluminum based powder fuel. Both the variations of the laminar flame speed influenced by air speed and particle concentration were obtained. Furthermore, the flame spreading characteristics of the aluminum based powder fuel with different grading ratios were also investigated. The results show that the increasing in air speed deeply improves the laminar flame speed of aluminum based powder fuel in the same particle concentration condition. However, the laminar flame speed of aluminum based powder fuel reaches the maximum while the particle concentration nearly equaling to 600g/m3 in the same air speed condition. Further more, the spreading process of laminar flame can not keep stable while the particle concentration is too low. The further results also show that flame spreading performance of the aluminum based powder fuel can be significantly improved through filling the gap between large aluminum particles by small aluminum particle appropriately.
Key words:  Laminar flame  Bunsen burner  Aluminum powder  Fuel  Particle size