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1.厦门大学 航空航天学院,福建 厦门 361005;2.南昌航空大学 飞行器工程学院,江西 南昌 330063
为实现三维内转进气道的内收缩流场与圆锥前体的外压缩流场的良好匹配,提出了一种双模块下颌式内转进气道/圆锥前体(Double-modules chin inward-turning inlet and conical forebody,DCII/CF)一体化设计方法,获得一种新颖的双发并置、侧向安装的DCII/CF一体化布局。针对该布局形式,开展了DCII/CF一体化构型与传统的单模块内转进气道/圆锥前体(Single-module inward-turning inlet and conical forebody,SII/CF)一体化构型的数值对比研究。结果表明:DCII/CF一体化布局不仅为内转进气道提供了良好的前体附面层排移效果,还有效避免了传统SII/CF布局中前体附面层与进气道内部流场之间的相互干扰。在Ma=6.0设计状态,DCII/CF一体化布局的进气道总压恢复系数相较传统的SII/CF布局有了显著提高,从0.403提高至0.482;但由于前体附面层的排移,该布局的捕获流量略有降低,SII/CF的流量系数为0.956,该布局则为0.917。而在非设计状态,该布局形式同样具备较好的总压恢复性能,在Ma=5.0与Ma=4.0时,总压恢复系数分别达到了0.586和0.682,明显高于SII/CF的总压恢复系数0.507和0.619。
关键词:  进气道  圆锥前体  下颌式布局  一体化设计  附面层
Integration Layout of Double-Modules Chin Inward-Turning Inlet and Conical Forebody
YANG Ri-jiong1, ZHENG Xiao-gang1, SHI Chong-guang1, LI Yi-qing1,2, ZHU Cheng-xiang1, YOU Yan-cheng1
1.School of Aerospace Engineering,Xiamen University,Xiamen 361005,China;2.School of Aircraft Engineering,Nanchang Hangkong University,Nanchang 330063,China
To achieve a good match between internal contraction flow field of the 3D inward-turning inlet and external compression flow field of the conical forebody, an integrated design method of the double-modules chin inward-turning inlet and conical forebody (DCII/CF) was proposed. A novel DCII/CF integrated layout with dual parallel and lateral installation was obtained. Numerical comparisons between the integrated configuration of DCII/CF and the traditional single-module inward-turning inlet and conical forebody (SII/CF) were carried out. The results show that, the DCII/CF integrated layout not only provides an excellent diversion effect of the forebody boundary-layer for inward-turning inlet, but also effectively avoids the interference between the forebody boundary-layer and the internal flow field appearing in traditional SII/CF layout. At the design point of Ma=6.0, the total pressure recovery coefficient of the inward-turning inlet of DCII/CF integrated layout is significantly improved from 0.403 to 0.482 compared with traditional SII/CF layout. However, due to the diversion of the forebody boundary-layer, the mass flow coefficient is slightly reduced, which is 0.917 for DCII/CF while 0.956 for SII/CF. At off-design point, this layout also has better total pressure recovery performance. The total pressure recovery coefficients at Ma=5.0 and Ma=4.0 reach 0.586 and 0.682 respectively, which are significantly higher than those in SII/CF of 0.507 and 0.619.
Key words:  Inlet  Conical forebody  Chin layout  Integration design  Boundary layer