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1.上海航天动力技术研究所,上海 201109;2.上海交通大学 航空航天学院,上海 200240
真实情况中,射流换向阀的边界参数呈现明显的不确定性,由于主流和控制流压强是影响射流换向阀切换性能的重要因素,因此其不确定性将导致切换性能产生明显的波动。采用不确定量化分析方法中的PCM方法(Probabilistic collocation method),研究了主流和控制流压强的不确定性对射流换向阀切换性能的耦合影响,获得了一维和二维不确定度下的切换性能不确定度带。研究结果显示,主流或控制流压强的不确定性均使得射流换向阀切换性能产生明显的波动;其中控制流压强的不确定性对其影响尤为突出;当存在二维不确定性时,射流换向阀的切换性能将出现更大幅度的波动,最大波动幅度达29%。
关键词:  射流  换向阀  不确定性  切换性能  数值计算
Switching Performance of Jet Reversing Valve Based on Two-Dimensional Uncertainty Quantification
SUN Na1, XIE Yue1, ZHANG Ying1, WANG Jia-xing1, NIU Lu1, ZHANG Bin2
1.Shanghai Space Propulsion Technology Research Institute,Shanghai 201109,China;2.School of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Shanghai Jiaotong University,Shanghai 200240,China
In the real environment, there is uncertainty on the boundary parameters of the jet reversing valve. The main and control pressure are the important factors to affect the switching performance. Thus there is uncertainty on performance of the jet reversing valve, because of uncertainty on main and control pressure. The probabilistic collocation method (PCM)is used to study the coupling effect of main and control pressure uncertainty on the switching performance of the jet reversing valve. And the uncertainty band of switching performance is obtained, under the one-dimensional and the two-dimensional uncertainty. The results show that the switching performance will be affected, if there is uncertainty on main or control pressure. Furthermore, the control pressure uncertainty is more important than main pressure uncertainty to affect the switching performance. In addition, if there is two-dimensional uncertainty, the greater fluctuation of switching performance will appear. The maximum fluctuation range will reach 29%.
Key words:  Jet  Reversing valve  Uncertainty  Switching performance  Numerical calculation