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1.大连海事大学 船舶与海洋工程学院,辽宁 大连 116026;2.北京动力机械研究所,北京 100074
关键词:  3D打印  点阵结构  压气机叶轮  数值模拟  曲面拟合
3D Printing Process Design and Printing Performance Analysis of Lattice Structure Compressor Impeller
ZHANG Yuan1, LI Fan-chun1, JIA De-jun1, XUE Yong-guang2
1.School of Ship and Ocean Engineering,Dalian Maritime University,Dalian 116026,China;2.Beijing Power Machinery Research Institute,Beijing 100074,China
Based on the octagonal truss lattice structure, a new lightweight design method for compressor impeller was proposed. In order to ensure the machinability of the lattice impeller and improve the printing success rate, based on the finite element method, the additive manufacturing process of the lattice impeller under different laser power, laser speed, laser width, powder layer thickness and support cutting height was simulated, and the maximum residual deformation and stress of the lattice impeller printing process under different printing parameters were analyzed. The results show that the laser printing parameters (such as laser power, laser speed and laser width) have a great influence on the residual deformation and residual stress amplitude of the impeller, while the thickness of the powder layer has a relatively small influence on the residual deformation and residual stress amplitude. By reducing the laser power, increasing the laser speed and laser width, the residual stress of the impeller can be reduced. For the lattice element with 11.4% filling rate, the mass of lattice impeller can be reduced by 23.5% compared with the original impeller. After machining, the residual deformation and stress of lattice impeller are smaller than those of the original impeller. In this paper, the maximum residual stress and deformation of the lattice impeller can be reduced by 8.72% and 20.19% respectively compared with the design impeller. This means that the design method of lattice impeller will not only reduce the mass of impeller, but also have the excellent machinability which is closer to the original design and less likely to be damaged in machining.
Key words:  3D printing  Lattice structure  Compressor impeller  Numerical simulation  Surface fitting