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上海交通大学 机械与动力工程学院,上海 200240
关键词:  涡轮叶片冷却  叶片前缘  旋流-气膜冷却  数值模拟  热色液晶(TLC)
Experiment and Numerical Simulation on Internal Flow and Heat Transfer of Swirling Flow-Film Cooling for Leading Edge of Turbine Blade
YAN Hong-jie, CHEN Guan-jiang, RAO Yu
School of Mechanical Engineering,Shanghai Jiaotong University,Shanghai 200240,China
A swirling flow-film cooling structure with offset impingement holes is proposed to achieve higher cooling efficiency of turbine blade leading edge. Experimental investigations and numerical simulations were carried out on two structures distinguished by whether impingement jets are tangential-wisely offset from the centerline with Reynolds number ranging from 2×104 to 5×104. The internal heat transfer, flow resistance, and flow field characteristics were obtained. Transient liquid crystal thermal imaging technique was used in experiments to measure detailed Nusselt number distributions on the inner surface of leading edge, and the flow field was analyzed with the results of numerical simulation to explain the mechanism of heat transfer enhancement. Experimental results show that internal swirling flow of blade leading edge can improve the overall average Nusselt number by 4.0%~9.4% and reduce the pressure loss by 5.6%~6.4%. Numerical results suggest that tangential jets create intense swirling flow because of the concave surface of blade leading edge, which significantly enlarges the high heat transfer region and improves the uniformity of internal heat transfer.
Key words:  Turbine blade cooling  Blade leading edge  Swirling flow-film cooling  Numerical simulation  Thermochromic liquid crystal