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中国航天科技集团有限公司第一研究院 战术武器事业部,北京 100076
关键词:  固体火箭发动机  飞行器  轨迹  一体化设计  优化设计  自适应算法
Integrated Design Optimization for Motor and Trajectory of Near Space Solid Rocket Motor Powered Vehicle
REN Peng-fei, WANG Hong-bo, ZHOU Guo-feng, WANG Liang, CAI Qiang, HAN Ying-hong, YU Jia-quan, YUAN Ya
Department of Tactical Weapons,The First Academy of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, Beijing 100076,China
An efficient method based on sequential surrogate-based optimization is proposed to realize the integrated design optimization for motor and trajectory of multi-stage solid rocket motor powered vehicle in near space. In order to calculate the performance of the motor accurately, the geometric parametric modeling of the motor is carried out, then a marching tetrahedron method was developed to compute burning surface regression for complex propellant grain. The adaptive Legendre-Gauss-Radau pseudospectral method is used to compute the maximum range of given design scheme accurately. To improve the optimization efficiency, a multi-sampling efficient global optimization method based on Kriging surrogate model is proposed and numerically verified. The results show that optimization solution solved by this method meets all the design constraints, and the maximum range increased by 9.34% compared with that before optimization. The solution is consistent with that of traditional parameter optimization algorithms, however, the calls number of time-consuming objective function and constraint functions are significantly reduced, and this method only takes 4% calculation time of the genetic algorithm.
Key words:  Solid rocket motor  Vehicle  Trajectory  Integration design  Optimization design  Adaptive algorithm