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1.北京航空航天大学 能源与动力工程学院,北京 100191;2.上海飞机设计研究院,上海 200120
关键词:  离心喷嘴  内部流动特性  液膜破碎  液滴分布  大涡模拟
Process of Pressure Swirl Nozzle Atomization Based on Large Eddy Simulation
WANG Lei1, FANG Bin2, WANG Guang-cai1
1.School of Energy and Power Engineering,Beihang University,Beijing 100191,China;2.Shanghai Aircraft Design and Research Institute,Shanghai 200210,China
In order to accomplish the accurate numerical simulation on the process of the pressure swirl nozzle atomization, the simulation method on the basis of large eddy simulation was applied to explore the internal flow characteristics of nozzle as well as the breakup form of the external liquid sheet. In this thesis, a research for typical pressure swirl nozzle with four inlets was conducted, the simulation results reveal the oscillation phenomenon of the nozzle’s internal phase interface and the breakup details of the external liquid sheet. Moreover, the spatial distribution characteristics of droplet size was obtained through coupling the method of volume of fluid with discrete phase model. The research results indicate as follows:in the process of liquid filling, there are fluctuations and folds at the gas-liquid interface in the nozzle, whose shape is unstable in nozzle. The diameter of air core oscillates in sinusoidal mode, and the thickness of liquid film at nozzle outlet is unevenly distributed along the circumference. These factors lead to the disturbance on the surface of liquid film near the nozzle outlet. Under different inlet conditions, the instability leads to different disturbance waves on the surface of liquid sheet. When the inlet pressure is 0.3MPa, the breakup of liquid sheet is caused by the axial sinusoidal wave produced by the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, resulting in annular liquid ligaments which distributes along the circumference. Under the inlet pressure of 0.7MPa, the circumferential disturbance waves generated by Rayleigh-Taylor instability begin to appear on the surface of liquid film. With the increase of pressure to 1.1MPa, the breakup of the liquid film is dominated by Rayleigh-Taylor instability, which produces the liquid ligament structure along the axis. Subsequently, it breaks into droplets under the action of aerodynamic force and surface tension. After the secondary atomization and breakup, the droplet size in the outer section of the nozzle distributes in the form of ‘single valley’. The maximum relative error between the calculated average droplet size and the experimental results is 5.1%, which is in good accordance with the experimental data.
Key words:  Pressure swirl nozzle  Internal flow characteristics  Liquid sheet breakup  Droplet distribution  Large eddy simulation