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西北工业大学 燃烧、热结构与内流场重点实验室,陕西 西安 710072
关键词:  固体火箭发动机  燃烧不稳定  声场  凝聚相颗粒流  数值模拟
Effects of Acoustic Force Acted on Condensed Particles in Solid Rocket Motor
KUANG Liang, LIU Pei-jin, YOU Yan-feng, LIAO Dan-yang, YANG Wen-jing
Science and Technology on Combustion,Internal Flow and Thermal-Structure Laboratory, Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xi’an 710072,China
The continuous phase-discrete element (CFD-DEM) coupling model was applied to the study of particle behavior under the action of multiphysics in solid rocket motors, and the effects of acoustic field on particle behavior were studied. Then the coupling law of the two-phase flow and the acoustic field of the motor was obtained and analysed. The results show that the CFD-DEM model can obtain microscopic information of particles that cannot be obtained by other models, such as particle-particle collision, particle-gas interaction force and particle-wall colliding force. In addition, the effects of different acoustic vibration model on the particles in the motor are also significantly different. The radial acoustic force will cause the condensed phase particles to converge toward the central region of the combustion chamber, while near the wall area is essentially a particle vacuum region, the spatially uneven distribution of the particles is extremely remarkable. Under the action of axial acoustic force (first-order fundamental frequency acoustic wave of the motor), the particles periodically reciprocate and collide at a certain position at the tail of the model. The velocity distribution of the particle phase along the axial direction increases at first and then decreases, while the speed at which the particles collide gathers suddenly changes.
Key words:  Solid rocket motor  Combustion instability  Acoustic field  Condensed particle flow  Numerical simulation