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1.中国科学院工程热物理研究所 轻型动力重点实验室,北京 100190;2.中国科学院大学 工程科学学院,北京 100049
关键词:  周向拉杆转子  连接刚度  非线性特征  临界转速  振动特性
Impact of Connection Stiffness on Vibration Characteristics of Rotor in Circumferential Tie Rod Rotor of Gas Turbine
ZHANG Fan1,2, FENG Yin-li1,2, GUO Bao-ting1,2, LI Jia-qi1,2
1.Key Laboratory of Light Duty Gas Turbine,Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100190,China;2.School of Engineering Sciences,University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China
In order to study the effects of the connection stiffness between the disks of the gas turbine circumferential distributed rod rotor on the vibration characteristics of the rotor, an equivalent method based on six-degree-of-freedom spring element is proposed. Firstly, the contact stiffness of the disks and the bending stiffness of the tie rod are equivalently entered into the connection interface at the same time, which is convenient to use a one-dimensional beam element to solve the change of its critical speed and vibration response, and verified that the coincidence between the method and the full three-dimensional finite element method is less than 3%. Then rewritten the non-linear dynamic equation, solved it with the harmonic balance method, and verified its accuracy using the Newmark method. Finally, the equivalent method was used to calculate the influence of the connection stiffness of a simulated rotor on its critical speed, response characteristics, nonlinear characteristics, etc. The calculation results show that: When the shear stiffness and bending stiffness of the joint surface decrease by three orders of magnitude, the critical speed decreases and the response increases, the degree of influence can be roughly estimated from the various modes and the response amplitude is greatly affected by the shear stiffness. The comparison error between the critical rotational speed when the value tends to converge and the test value is less than 2%, which is significantly higher than that of the continuous model. In the case of anisotropic connection stiffness, two response peaks appear at each order of critical speed, and the axis trajectory becomes elliptical. After considering stiffness as a function of displacement(non-linear stiffness), the response peak of the rotor has a ‘torsional’ characteristic, and the characteristics of the peak show a ‘wavy’ change with the changes of imbalance and dimensionless damping.
Key words:  Circumferential tie rod rotor  Connection stiffness  Nonlinear characteristics  Critical rotational speed  Vibration characteristics