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国防科技大学 超燃冲压发动机重点实验室,湖南 长沙 410073
关键词:  进气道整流罩  重叠网格法  内流场  扫掠激波  后向台阶
Internal Flow Field Evolution Characteristics for Inlet Cover Separation of High Speed Inlet
ZHAO Xing-yu, WANG Yi, FAN Xiao-qiang, XU Shang-cheng
Science and Technology on Scramjet Laboratory,National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073,China
To explore internal flow field on the inlet cover separation process, based on overset method to solve N-S equation, the evolution process of internal flow field and characteristic flow field structure were analyzed in detail during inlet cover separation. Numerical simulations show that a V- swept shock wave is formed at the front of the inlet cover, and a backward facing step that induces a pair of streamwise vortexes with the opposite vectors is formed at the rear of inlet cover when the inlet is blocked. On the separation process, the V-swept shock wave and the backward facing step both affect the internal flow. The mass flow rate at throat reaches its peak at intermediate moment then drops to a stable value. If the flow is quasi-steady and no large separation zone exists in the inner inlet during the separation process, inlet starts when the V-swept shock wave meets the lip line, and the motion of inlet cover no longer affects the internal flow field afterwards. The assumed constant acceleration rotation was consistent with the real rotation, and a more accurate motion simulation suggests the cubic angular velocity function.
Key words:  Inlet cover  Overset method  Internal flow field  Swept shock wave  Backward facing step