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南京理工大学 瞬态物理国家重点实验室,江苏 南京 210094
关键词:  同轴气流  环形燃烧室  OpenFOAM  射流  雾化
Numerical Simulation of Gas Liquid Coaxial Atomization in Annular Combustor
ZHOU Jian-ping, BAI Qiao-dong, WENG Chun-sheng, WANG Fang, XU Gao
National Key Lab of Transient Physics,Nanjing University of Science and Technology,Nanjing 210094,China
To investigate the atomization process of kerosene jet in the annular combustor of continuous rotating detonation engine under the action of coaxial gas flow, the SprayFoam solver based on Eulerian-Lagrangian method in open source software OpenFOAM was used to simulate the process. The effects of spray angle, angle between adjacent nozzles, back pressure and gas-liquid velocity ratio on atomization characteristics were analyzed. The results show that the SprayFoam solver used in the study can effectively simulate the spray atomization characteristics of liquid fuel in annular combustor. With the increase of injection angle and back pressure, the droplet size decreases gradually after atomization. The best droplet distribution after fuel atomization is obtained when the angle between the adjacent nozzle is 15°, where the Sauter mean diameter of droplets is 85.1μm. The droplet velocity at the end of the jet with different gas-liquid velocity ratios finally tends to be the same, which is about 160m/s.
Key words:  Coaxial gas flow  Annular combustion chamber  OpenFOAM  Jet  Atomization