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中国科学技术大学 工程科学学院 中国科学院材料力学行为和设计重点实验室,安徽 合肥 230027
关键词:  发汗冷却  液态水改性  丙二醇  相变  振荡现象
Experimental Investigation of Transpiration Cooling Using Modified Propylene Glycol Aqueous Solution
RAN Fang-yuan, WU Nan, HE Fei, WANG Jian-hua
In this work, liquid water was modified by adding propylene glycol(PG) to solve the oscillation, uneven surface temperature distribution and freezing phenomena observed in experiments of transpiration cooling with liquid water. In a subsonic high temperature wind tunnel with mainstream temperature of 573K and Reynolds number of 1.2×104, the transpiration cooling performance with phase change on a porous plate was studied experimentally under the influence of different concentration and injection rate of aqueous solution modified by PG. The results indicate that with the increase of PG concentration, the permeability of the porous plate with the modified water solution traversing increases, the oscillation amplitude of the surface temperature of the porous plate reduces, and the temperature peak during the oscillation period decreases at the same time. Therefore, using water solution modified by PG as coolant, the surface temperature distribution of transpiration cooling structure is more uniform, and the thermal fatigue damage is reduced. It can also increase the temperature tolerance and reduce the ablation risk. In addition, the larger the injection rate, the better the cooling effect of the plate surface and the smaller the oscillation amplitude of the surface temperature. Hence, increasing the injection rate is also an effective way to weaken the surface temperature fluctuation of the porous plate.
Key words:  Transpiration cooling  Modified liquid water  Propylene glycol  Phase change  Oscillation phenomenon