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1.中国科学院力学研究所 高温气体动力学国家重点实验室,北京 100190;2.中国科学院大学 工程科学学院,北京 100049;3.北京环境特性研究所 光学辐射重点实验室,北京 100854
关键词:  固体火箭发动机  两相流  喷焰  飞行高度  流场特性  辐射特性
Effects of Flight Height on Flow and Radiation Characteristics of Solid Rocket Two-Phase Plume
BAO Xing-dong1,2,3, YU Xi-long1,2, WANG Zhen-hua3, MAO Hong-xia3, XIAO Zhi-he3
1.State Key Laboratory of High Temperature Gas Dynamics,Institute of Mechanics,Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190,China;2.School of Engineering Science,University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China;3.Science and Technology on Optical Radiation Laboratory,Beijing Institute of Environment Features,Beijing 100854,China
Exhaust plume from the rocket engine produced strong infrared radiation signals, widely used for target detecting and identifying. For a model solid rocket motor, the Euler Discrete Phase model was used to describe the interaction between gases and solid particles. The detailed chemical reaction mechanism was used to calculate the afterburning in the plume. Based on the line by line integration method and Mie theory, the gases and solid particles radiation properties were solved. The radiation transmission was calculated by the light of sight method, and the applicability of the model was verified by the measured data. The effects of different flight heights on the gas-solid two-phase plume flow and radiation characteristics were simulated. The results show that: as the height increases, the interaction between the gas and the solid particles in the plume is weakened, and the larger the particle size, the greater the difference between the particles and the gas. The two-phase plume is affected by the difference in mixing and afterburning effects at different heights, resulting in significant differences in temperature and concentration of different gases. The radiation spectrum at each height exhibits a gas selective emission spectrum structure. The contribution of high temperature Al2O3 to radiation is mainly concentrated in short waves, and the higher the height, the smaller the influence. The radiation characteristics between different bands are affected by the emission bands of different gases, and the radiation peaks of the two main emission bands of 2.7μm and 4.3μm may appear at different flight heights.
Key words:  Solid rocket motor  Two-phase flow  Exhaust plume  Flight height  Flow characteristics  Radiation characteristics