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1.北京航空航天大学 能源与动力工程学院,北京 100191;2.北京动力机械研究所,北京 100074
关键词:  高温升主燃烧室  三级旋流器  主燃级  燃油分级  雾化特性
Experimental Investigation on Spray Characteristic of Main Injector and Fuel Grade Ratio
HE Wu1,2, GUO Zhi-hui1, FU Jiang-kun1, XUE Yong-guang2, LEI Ming2
1.School of Energy and Power Engineering,Beihang University,Beijing 100191,China;2.Beijing Power Machinery Institute,Beijing 100074,China
In order to optimize combustion performance of high temperature rise combustor, the spray characteristic of triple swirler combustor was experimentally studied. The pilot stage of centrifugal atomizer adopted pressure atomization and air atomization. The main stage adopted prefilming air atomization. Phase Doppler particle analyzer was used to study on spray characteristics of main injector and fuel grade ration. Sauter mean diameter was measured at different head pressure drop and fuel mass flows at different axial distances and radial distances. High speed photography was also used to take spray pictures of different conditions. The experimental results show that the Sauter mean diameter distribution of main injector spray is between 50~80μm. Good atomization can be achieved when air-liquid ratio is bigger than 3.5. With the increase of axial distance, the diameter of droplets increases and fuel concentration becomes uniform. When fuel grade ratio increases, the diameter of droplets decreases about 10μm, the area of influence is concentrated in the central area, the periphery of spray is less impacted on.
Key words:  High temperature rise combustor  Triple swirler  Main stage  Fuel grade  Spray characteristic