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1.南京航空航天大学 能源与动力学院,江苏 南京 210016;2.西安理工大学 机械与精密仪器工程学院,陕西 西安 710048
关键词:  接触式指尖密封  磨损  多孔介质模型  瞬态泄漏特性  旋转机械
Transient Leakage Characteristics Analysis of Finger Seal Considering Wear Effects
WANG Qiang1, JI Hong-hu1, HU Ya-ping1, DU Chun-hua2
1.College of Energy and Power Engineering,Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing 210016,China;2.School of Mechanical Instrumental Engineering,Xi’an University of Technology,Xi’an 710048,China
Contacting finger seal is inevitably worn during the working process. Then wear will affect the leakage characteristics of the seal and the efficiency of the rotating machinery. In order to study the effects of wear on the leakage characteristics of finger seal, the authors proposed a transient leakage characteristics analysis model of finger seal based on the porous medium leakage analysis model while the centrifugal expansion of rotor and wear effect are considered, and the effects of rotating speed and initial assembly interference on wear and its corresponding leakage characteristics of finger seal are also numerically simulated. Results indicated that the leakage characteristics of finger seal decrease at first and then increase with runtime while wear effect is considered. The lower the rotating speed is, the longer the runtime required to reach the minimum leakage of finger seal, however, the minimum leakages and their corresponding transient fit interferences are the same at each rotating speed. The smaller the initial assembly interference is, the shorter the runtime required to reach the minimum leakage of finger seal, however, the transient fit interferences corresponding to the minimum leakages are the same at each initial assembly interference. In addition, the larger the pressure difference across the seal is, the larger the leakage of finger seal at arbitrary runtime.
Key words:  Contacting finger seal  Wear  Porous media model  Transient leakage characteristics  Rotating machinery