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1.国家深海基地管理中心 技术部,山东 青岛 266237;2.中国海洋大学 山东省海洋工程重点实验室,山东 青岛 266000;3.上海海事大学 物流工程学院,上海 201306
关键词:  深海潜水器  推进器  故障诊断  研究进展  综述
Research Progress on Thruster Fault Diagnosis Technology for Deep-Sea Underwater Vehicle
CHEN Yun-sai1,2, CHU Zhen-zhong3, LIU Kun1, YANG Lei1, ZHU Da-qi3
1.Department of Technology,National Deep Sea Center,Qingdao 266237,China;2.Shandong Key Laboratory of Marine Engineering,Ocean University of China,Qingdao 266000,China;3.College of Logistics Engineering,Shanghai Maritime University,Shanghai 201306,China
The classifications and characteristics of deep-sea underwater vehicles are introduced, then the way in which the propulsive force of each deep-sea underwater vehicle is generated is analyzed respectively, and the main types and characteristics of the thrusters of deep-sea underwater vehicles are summarized. Altogether, the configuration and structural characteristics of 5 typical types of deep-sea underwater vehicle thrusters are introduced. And according to the characteristics of failure mode of the thruster’s failure, six types of common failure modes, incentives and common diagnostic methods of deep-sea underwater vehicle thrusters are presented. Qualitative analysis of diagnostic methods, analytical model diagnosis methods and signal processing diagnosis methods are used to summarize current research progress of fault diagnosis technology for deep-sea underwater vehicle thrusters, and the suggestions for the development of deep-sea underwater vehicles and their failure diagnosis technologies are put forward.
Key words:  Deep-sea underwater vehicle  Thruster  Fault diagnosis  Research progress  Review