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1.兰州空间技术物理研究所 真空技术与物理重点实验室,甘肃 兰州 730000;2.北京航空航天大学 材料科学与工程学院,北京 100191;3.中国科学院电工研究所,北京 100190
关键词:  10cm氙离子推力器  推力  特性分析  试验研究  放电损耗  推进剂利用率
Analysis on Variable-Thrust Characteristic of 10cm Xenon Ion Thruster
HU Jing1,2, YANG Fu-quan1, GUO De-zhou1, GU Zeng-jie1, SHAO Ming-xue3, ZHENG Mao-fan1
1.Science and Technology on Vacuum Technology and Physics Laboratory,Lanzhou Institute of Physics,Lanzhou 730000,China;2.School of Materials Science and Engineering,Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Beijing 100191,China;3.Institute of Electrical Engineering,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100191,China
Compensation of the non-gravity dumping at high continuum speed with high accuracy for gravitational gradiometry satellites is one of the most important techniques to realize fine gravity field measurement, it can directly influence the success of the mission. Aiming at the application requirement of gravitational gradiometry satellites for electric propulsion system with the ability of wide-range and continuous variable-thrust during orbit flight, thrust regulation characteristic of 10cm xenon ion thruster was analyzed. Based on it, the thrust regulation tests were performed by adjusting the anode current, the magnet current and the propellant flow rate of the anode, and other high sensitive response parameters about thrust. The ability of wide-range and continuous variable-thrust of 10cm xenon ion thruster was evaluated, and its performance of thrust regulation and change rule over range 1mN~20mN were obtained. The results showed that the 10cm xenon ion thruster can realize continuous variable-thrust within the range of 0.98mN~20.29mN over the input power range of 100W~597W,specific impulse varies 175s~3500s, and the thrust resolutions accuracy is better than 50μN under the condition of using the ground power supply and air supply equipment. Above research will certainly provide foundation to establish thrust control mathematical model and control algorithm of 10cm xenon ion electric propulsion system.
Key words:  10cm xenon ion thruster  Thrust  Characteristic analysis  Experiment research  Ion production cost  Propellant utilization efficiency