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哈尔滨工程大学 动力与能源工程学院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150001
关键词:  内部冷却  狭缝斜肋  阻力损失  换热特性  数值模拟
Numerical Study on Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Internal Cooling Channel with Slit Inclined Ribs
DENG He-fang, JIANG Yu-ting, ZHANG Jian, LU Song-bing, ZHENG Qun
College of Power and Energy Engineering,Harbin Engineering University,Harbin 150001,China
In order to investigate the flow and heat transfer characteristics of slit inclined ribs and further improve the performance of traditional inclined ribs, the effects of five kinds of slits with different locations and angles on flow and heat transfer characteristics of 45° inclined ribs were studied by using numerical simulation method. The inlet Reynolds number calculated in this study is ranged from 2×104 to 8×104. A comparison and analysis with traditional solid ribs was conducted. The results show that the slits change the flow structure and heat transfer distribution of cooling channel. The slits decrease the resistance loss and enhanced heat transfer coefficient of cooling channel, but it increases the enhanced heat transfer coefficient of the rib surfaces. On the other hand, the location and the angle of the slits also have some effects on flow and heat transfer performance of cooling channel. The thermal performance factors of the slit inclined ribs increase by 12%~15%, compared with solid ribs.
Key words:  Internal cooling  Slit inclined rib  Resistance losses  Heat transfer characteristics  Numerical simulation