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王礼旭,仲冬冬,葛 宁,杨荣菲
(南京航空航天大学 能源与动力学院,江苏 南京 210016)
关键词:  激波/边界层相互干扰  可压缩湍流  大涡模拟  激波运动  G?rtler涡
Research of Shock/Boundary Layer Interactionfor a Compression Ramp Configuration Basedon Large Eddy Simulation
WANG Li-xu,ZHONG Dong-dong,GE Ning,YANG Rong-fei
(College of Energy and Power Engineering,Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing 210016,China)
In order to improve the basic understanding of shock/boundary layer interaction, a large eddy simulation (LES) was conducted to investigate shock wave and turbulent boundary layer interaction in a 24° compression ramp with a free stream Mach number of [Ma=2.9]. Recycling/Rescaling Method was used as inflow turbulence generation technique and validated on a supersonic flat plate turbulent boundary layer. Structural changes of shock system and boundary layer in the interaction region were studied by flow visualization methods such as vortex recognition and numerical schlieren. The distribution of turbulent kinetic energy and Reynolds normal stresses at different streamwise locations was compared and analyzed. The results show that turbulent kinetic energy is mainly placed in the outer of the reattached boundary layer after interaction with shock wave. A low turbulent kinetic energy region is formed near the corner. Double peak distribution of the spanwise component of Reynolds normal stresses is observed downstream of the corner, while the other components show characteristic of single peak. The large scale streamwise motion of the separation shock was analyzed by using intermittent factor. It is found that the main shock moves around the averaged separation position and the length scale is equal to 72% of inlet boundary layer thickness. The presence of G?rtler-like vortices has been confirmed. Detail investigation into the spanwise distribution and spatial evolution characteristics of these vortices was performed.
Key words:  Shock wave/boundary layer interaction  Compressible turbulence  LES  Shock motion  G?rtler-like vortex