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RP-3 航空煤油与藻基燃油在层流扩散火焰中碳烟生成对比研究
关键词:  层流扩散火焰  藻基燃油  航空煤油  火焰形态  火焰温度  碳烟
CHENG Bo,LI Shi-zhu,YANG Yi-yang,GAN Zhi-wen
(School of Energy and Power Engineering,Beihang University,Beijing 100191,China)
In order to promote the application of algae-based biomass aerospace alternative fuels in actual engines and obtain more experimental data on its differences in basic combustion performance from conventional aviation kerosene, the algae-based fuel and the RP-3 aviation kerosene in the nitrogen-dilution laminar diffusion flame were comparatively studied. The soot particles and intermediate gas components were collected by direct sampling method for analysis. The results show that under the experimental conditions, the height of the RP-3 avi?ation kerosene and the algae-based fuel are respectively 33.5mm and 34.5mm; the apparent brightness of aviation kerosene is higher; the flame temperature of the algae-based fuel at each flame measurement point is higher than that of the RP-3 aviation kerosene flame, and the peak temperatures of them are respectively 1453.6K and 1405.3K, which is different from the adiabatic flame temperature. The main reasons for this are the emission of soot and the heat absorption of nitrogen carrier gas,at the same flame position measurement point, the particle size and soot number of soot in the laminar diffusion flame formed by the algae-based fuel is less than that of the RP-3 aviation kerosene. The GC/MS analysis of the intermediate gas shows that the short-chain hydrocarbons that easily form cyclic aromatics in the RP-3 aviation kerosene flame, such as C4H2, C3H4 small-molecule hydro?carbons, are more than algae-based fuels, and thus more easily generate carbon soot.
Key words:  Laminar diffusion flame  Algae-based fuel  Aviation kerosene  Flame form  Flame temper?ature  Soot