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(西北工业大学 动力与能源学院,陕西 西安 710129)
关键词:  静止盘腔  瞬态响应  评价参数  数值计算  实验研究
Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Transient Response of Static Disc Cavity in Aero-Engine
GAO Wen-jun,LIU Zhen-xia,ZHU Peng-fei,LYU Ya-guo
(School of Power and Energy,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xi’an 710129,China)
In order to study the transient response process and the variation of flow parameters of the static disc cavity,the transient response characteristics of a typical stationary disk cavity were studied using the Unsteady Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes method and experimental methods,respectively. Through the analysis of the response process in cavity,three evaluation parameters were introduced to quantitatively analyze the transient characteristics of the stationary disk cavity. The comparative research of the transient response characteristics of the stationary disk cavity was carried out under different inlet and outlet boundary conditions. In the same transient conditions,it is found that the response of the cavity with one inlet and one outlet is the slowest and its longest response time is 4.57s,while the cavity with one inlet and two outlets has the shortest response time of 2.13s. The research shows that the unsteady numerical simulation method established in this paper can accurately predict the flow process in the stationary disk cavity and reflect the response characteristics,and the geometry of the inlet and outlet has a significant effect on the response characteristics of the stationary disk cavity.
Key words:  Static disc cavity  Transient response  Evaluation parameters  Numerical simulation  Experimental test