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(1. 中国航空工业空气动力研究院,辽宁 沈阳 110034;2. 高速高雷诺数气动力航空科技重点实验室,辽宁 沈阳 110034)
关键词:  吸气式  高超声速飞机  单/双级入轨  机体/推进一体化设计  研究进展
An Overview and Development Analysis of Air-Breathing Hypersonic Airframe/Propulsion Integrative Design Technology
XIANG Xian-hong1,2,QIAN Zhan-sen1,2
(1. AVIC Aerodynamics Research Institute,Shenyang 110034,China;2. Aeronautical Science and Technology Key Laboratory for High Speed High Reynolds Number Aerodynamic Research,Shenyang 110034,China)
For exploring new ideas of air-breathing hypersonic airframe/propulsion integrative design methods (“hypersonic integrative design” for short), the schemes are classified and discussed under comparing the vehicles with different missions such as hypersonic aircraft and Single/Two Stage To Orbit vehicles (“SSTO/TSTO” for short). Analysis results show that the hypersonic integrative design methods of missile are mostly focused on putting inlet as forebody directly, while that of hypersonic aircraft consider mainly the total aerodynamic performances of wide-speed range, in contrast to less requirement of that of SSTO/TSTO by using rocket engine as combined propulsion system. Besides, the integrative methods based on “weak-interference” or “non-interference” between the in/external flow characteristics of hypersonic vehicles have became one of the most important development tendency. Moreover, preliminary research results of “non-interference” dorsal typed and “strong-interference” ventral typed integrative configurations indicate that lift-to-drag ratio and other related aerodynamic performances of the former is better, as well as owing a more stable and wide adaptable aerodynamic characteristics under the off-design flight conditions, and which are worthy to be studied further in the future.
Key words:  Air-breathing  Hypersonic aircraft  SSTO/TSTO  Airframe/propulsion integrative design  Research progress