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不确定性的自适应跟踪补偿控制及在航空发动机的应用 *
肖红亮1,李华聪1,李伟明1,李 嘉1,王淑红2
(1. 西北工业大学 动力与能源学院,陕西 西安 710072;2. 中航工业西安航空动力控制科技有限公司,陕西 西安 700077)
关键词:  航空发动机  指令跟踪  不确定性  最优控制器  增广MRAC
Research on Adaptive Tracking Compensation Control with Uncertainty and Its Application in Aero-Engine
XIAO Hong-liang1,LI Hua-cong1,LI Wei-ming1,LI Ja1,WANG Shu-hong2
(1. School of Power and Energy,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xi’an 710072,China;2. China AVIC Xi’an Aero-Engine Controls Technology Corporation Limited,Xi’an 700077,China)
A new augmented model reference adaptive compensation control method was developed, in order to improve the control performance degradation caused by the uncertainty of the multivariable system. Firstly, a basic controller was established with the optimal LQR control law to optimize the performance of the system. And then the optimal LQR basic controller was improved under the feedback control structure to improve the dynamic tracking and anti-interference performance of the system. Finally, the simulation of the controller was carried out with a certain type of double rotor turbo-fan engine. The simulation results showed that the LQR basic controller improved by the augmented model reference adaptive compensation method realizes the tracking compensation to the uncentainty, the tracking of the control command and reaches the desired response performance with control error less than 0.25%, over shoot less than 0.5% and response time less than 1.5s. This improved LQR basic controller satisfies the technical requirements of the aero-engine control system. Meanwhile, this new adaptive compensation method improves the performance of the original basic controller with the uncertainty and ensures that the system is uniformly asymptotically stable.
Key words:  Aero engine  Command tracking  Uncertainties  Optimal controller  Augmented MARC