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程代姝1,张 悦2
(1. 正德职业技术学院,江苏 南京 211111;2. 南京航空航天大学 能源与动力学院,江苏 南京 210016)
关键词:  超声速/高超声速进气道  激波/边界层干扰  次流控制  壁面鼓包
Control of Incident Shock/Boundary Layer Interactionby a Bump Com bined with Secondary Flow Control
CHENG Dai-shu1,ZHANG Yue2
(1. Zhengde Polytechnic,Nanjing 211111,China;2. College of Energy and Power Engineering,Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing 210016,China)
To control the shock wave/boundary layer interaction in a supersonic/hypersonic inlet, a new control method by a bump combined with secondary flow control is put forward. The flow mechanism and effects of parameters are investigated by computational method. Results show that the separation bubble induced by the shock wave/boundary layer interaction can be reduced effectively by the pressure differential which drives the low-momentum flow of the separation bubble induced by the incident shock wave/boundary layer interaction to the cavity and then facilitate the attachment of the boundary layer. The flow condition in the inlet is improved and the loss of flow is decreased. Meanwhile, the flow in the cavity injects downstream of the bump to reenergize the boundary layer and avoid the loss of the mass flow. As compared with the only bump control case, the method combined with the secondary flow control can realize the control of the shock wave/boundary layer in a wider range. The total pressure recovery ratio can be improved more than 5%. In addition, when the bleed slots are located on the windward side of the bump and the ratio of the overall slots width and single slot width is not more than 3 with fixed width of single slot and gap between the slots, the better improvement can be achieved.
Key words:  Hypersonic/Supersonic inlet  Shock wave/boundary layer interaction  Secondary flow control  Bump