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陈志英,谷 裕,周 平,王 朝
(北京航空航天大学 能源与动力工程学院,北京 100191)
关键词:  应力应变场强法  轮盘疲劳寿命  分布式协同响应面  可靠性分析
Fatigue Reliability Analysis of Disk Based on Stress-Strain Field Intensity Method
CHEN Zhi-ying,GU Yu,ZHOU Ping,WANG Chao
(School of Energy and Power Engineering,Beihang University,Beijing 100191,China)
In order to analyze the fatigue reliability of aeroengine disk more accurately, the influence of stress and strain distribution of notch vicinity on the fatigue life is considered. The material field radius is determined by finite element simulation and the deterministic fatigue life of disk is analyzed by stress-strain field intensity method. Considering the randomness of the field intensity and other parameters, the fatigue reliability model is established by using the distributed collaborative response surface, and the fatigue reliability analysis process of disk is subsequently proposed based on stress-strain field intensity method. The results show that the fatigue life of disk is 9595 cycles when the reliability is 99.90% and the disk has life margin compared with deterministic safe life which is 6557 cycles. By comparing the stress-strain field method with the traditional local stress-strain method, the theoretical analysis result of the traditional method is small and tends to be conservative. The rationality of structural fatigue reliability analysis based on stress-strain field method is verified.
Key words:  Stress-strain field intensity method  Fatigue life of disk  Distributed collaborative response surface  Reliability analysis