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钟兢军,桑则林,韩少冰 ,吴宛洋
(大连海事大学 轮机工程学院,辽宁 大连 116026)
关键词:  吸力面小翼  压气机叶栅  泄漏涡  间隙流动  泄漏损失
Experiment on Variable Tip Clearance Characteristics of Compressor Cascade with Different Shapes of Suction-Side Winglets
ZHONG Jing-jun,SANG Ze-lin,HAN Shao-bing,WU Wang-yang
(Marine Engineering College,Dalian Maritime University,Dalian 116026,China)
In order to control and reduce leakage loss in the compressor caused by the tip clearance, detailed experiments have been carried out on variable tip clearance flow with different shapes of suction-side winglets. And the outlet flow fields of the cascade were obtained by the five-hole probe, the effects of suction-side winglets on outlet flow field structure, aerodynamic loss and the flow capacity of the cascade were detailed analyzed under different gaps. The results show that compared with conventional cascades, leakage vortex core of the suction side winglet cascades moves away from the blade suction surface, and the intensity is significantly reduced, the starting point of leakage vortex moves to the maximum thickness of the axial location. Effects of suction-side winglets with different shapes in large tip height on cascade loss are more obvious, and the SW25 scheme cascade under 3% clearance height is best, which can reduce cascade outlet total pressure loss by 15.38%. The underturning and overturning of outlet flow angle induced by leakage vortex are reduced only in smaller tip height.
Key words:  Suction-side winglet  Compressor cascade  Leakage vortex  Clearance flow  Leakage loss