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蒋新伟,许卫疆,朱惠人,郭 欣
(西北工业大学 动力与能源学院,陕西 西安 710072)
关键词:  射流冲击  强化换热  防冰  进口支板  瞬态测温
Study of Heat Transfer Characteristics under Different Jet Angels in a Wedge Channel
JIANG Xin-wei,XU Wei-jiang,ZHU Hui-ren,GUO Xin
(School of Power and Energy,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xi’an 710072,China)
In order to obtain the heat transfer characteristics for impingement of a strut in aero engine inlet,experiments were carried out with the use of transient thermochromic liquid crystal measurement technique in a wedge channel. The effects of jet Reynolds number,jet angle and position of outlet slot on Nusselt(Nu) number distribution were studied with the jet Reynolds number range from 6.3×103 to 15.9×103 and jet angle from 0° to 30°.The results show that the average heat transfer in the wedge channel was enhanced with the increasing Reynolds number and jet angle.The wall has a greater heat transfer when the slot near impingement inlet with the jet angle range from 0° to 15°.The Nu number of two sides of the wedge channel is asymmetric under the condition that jet angle is not vertical.When the jet angel is 30°,the nonuniform is the most obvious. The Nu number is the highest at leading edge when the jet angel is 15°.
Key words:  Jets impingement  Heat transfer enhancement  Anti-icing  Inlet strut  Transient temperature measurement