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(1. 中国科学技术大学 近代力学系,安徽 合肥 230027;2. 中国空气动力研究与发展中心,四川 绵阳 621000)
关键词:  燃烧加热风洞  污染  匹配方案  准一维数值模拟
Comparison of Two Typical Flow-Parameter-Matching Schemes in a Combustion Wind Tunnel
LIU Kun-wei1,ZHU Yu-jian1,YANG Ji-ming1,MAO Xiong-bing2,WU Ying-chuan2
(1. Department of Modern Mechanics,University of Science and Technology of China,Hefei 230027,China;2. China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center,Mianyang 621000,China)
Either the “static temperature + static pressure + flow Mach number (TPM)” or the “total enthalpy + dynamic pressure + flow Mach number (h0QM)” of the real fight conditions is generally simulated in ground-based hypersonic testing in a combustion wind tunnel. To clarify their influence mechanisms on the performance of a scramjet engine,the two typical sets of freestream parameter matching schemes were compared based on quasi-one-dimensional numerical simulation with chemical reaction,in respect of their capability of reliably reproducing the pressure distribution along the combustor and the thrust as well as the specific impulse the engine generates. It was found that for the hydrogen-vitiated flow,it is easier to select the TPM-matched scheme for identical fuel equivalence ratio and the h0QM-matched scheme for identical fuel mass flow rate,to better reproduce the combustor pressure distribution in real flight,if no local thermal-choking-induced shock structure is evident in the combustor. If thermal choking is likely to occur,the h0QM-matched scheme could reproduce the flow pattern more reliably. For the thrust of the engine,good agreement with that in clean air could be achieved by adjusting the fuel mass flow rate for both the two matching schemes,whether or not there is a shock in the combustor. To obtain a reliable fuel-based specific impulse,however,it seems the h0QM-matched scheme is a more appropriate choice. The disparity of combustion heat release ratio in the two matching schemes contributes heavily to the aforementioned differences. For the alcohol-vitiated flow,the engine performance appear nearly the same in the two matching schemes. In this case,the vitiation effect is aggravated so that it is more difficult to reliably reproduce the engine performance by adjusting the freestream parameters.
Key words:  Combustion wind tunnel  Vitiation  Matching scheme  Quasi-one-dimensional numerical simulation