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纪鹏飞,罗 雨,陈 兵,徐 旭
(北京航空航天大学 宇航学院,北京 100191)
关键词:  煤油  支板  超燃燃烧室  雷诺时均  火焰面
Exploration of Flamelet Model Applications in a Kerosene Fueled Supersonic Combustor
JI Peng-fei,LUO Yu,CHEN Bing,XU Xu
(School of Astronautics,Beihang University,Beijing 100191,China)
The applicability of flamelet model in kerosene fueled dual-struts supersonic combustor was studied through experimental methods and numerical simulations. The Mach number of the inflow was 2 and the total temperature was 1436K,fuel was injected by struts separately. According to the computation results of the combustor and the criterion of the flamelet model,it could be deduced that in microcosmic viewpoint,Karlovitz number does not exceed 100 for most combustion zone and the dissipation vortex shows no obvious effect on the flame structure,the requirement of flamelet model can be satisfied approximately,while in macroscopic viewpoint for the burning area,Damkohler number is much higher than the local extinction critical value,crushed flame caused by the strong fluctuation in turbulence would obtain the characteristic of laminar flame after time averaged,which corresponds to the method combining Reynolds Average Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations with laminar flamelet model. In the experiments,two kinds of combustion states can be obtained with different upstream equivalence ratios: upstream combustion and downstream combustion. The turbulence combustion features of the two combustion states can be predicted with flamelet model using 23 steps reaction of kerosene. The applicability and precision of flamelet model combined with RANS method in kerosene fueled supersonic combustor numerical simulation are partly verified.
Key words:  Kerosene  Strut  Supersonic combustor  Reynolds average  Flamelet