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辛亚楠,李家军,韩 阳,赵 勇
(中国航空工业空气动力研究院,辽宁 沈阳 110034)
关键词:  数值模拟  大径向落差长度比  流动分离  总压损失  涡量  
Numerical Study on Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Large Radius Change to Length Ratio Intermediate Duct
XIN Ya-nan,LI Jia-jun,HAN Yang,ZHAO Yong
(China Aerodynamics Research Institute of Aeronautics,Shenyang 110034,China)
In order to study the aerodynamic characteristics of an compressor intermediate duct with a large mean radius change to length ratio,three-dimensional numerical simulation investigations of the duct(ΔR/L=0.5)flow and loss are undertaken. The results show that there is a strong adverse pressure gradient at the inner wall,and boundary layer separations happen at the corner of hub and struts,and with the effects of complex flow such as layer separations and layer migrations,the total pressure loss of the duct is 3.8%,while loss in the hub 25% mass flow is 2.7%,the mid 50% mass flow is 1.9%,and the casing 25% mass flow is 11.7%. Further study shows that the duct flow is sensitive to the change of Mach number and the thickness to chord ratio of struts,especially loss in the hub 25% mass flow increases sharply,while Mach number increases from 0.25 to 0.48,loss in the hub 25% mass flow rises by 52%,and while the thickness to chord ratio of struts increases from 0.16 to 0.27,the loss rises by 93%.
Key words:  Numerical simulation  Large radius change to length ratio  Flow separation  Total pressure loss  Vorticity