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王洪亮,卢传喜,谭 宇
(中国空气动力研究与发展中心 吸气式高超声速技术研究中心,四川 绵阳 621000)
关键词:  超声速燃烧室  喷注位置匹配  煤油分布  推力收益
Experimental Study of Kerosene Injection with Multi-Location in a Supersonic Combustor
WANG Hong-liang,LU Chuan-xi,TAN Yu
(Air-Breathing Hypersonic Technology Research Center,China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center,Mianyang 621000,China)
In order to solve the problems of ignition and flame-holding in some zones of a supersonic combustor where the fuel is too rich,experimental researches of different multi-location injections and their influences on the combustion/engine performances are studied under free stream Mach number 5 and with nearly the same total kerosene/air ratio. Some conclusions can be drawn: Multi-location injections are beneficial to the ignition and combustion of the kerosene and can result in better thrust performance. Combustions become much easier for cases with piloted flame and injection of kerosene from other locations with lower fuel/air ratio for a single injection location. The kerosene’s combustion performance becomes worse and the thrust specific decreases 46N·s/kg if the fuel/air ratio of piloted flame increased from 0.51 to 0.55. When the fuel/air ratio of piloted flame is 0.51 and the remainder kerosene is injected from three injection locations,the thrust specific increases 66N·s/kg,compared with the case which kerosene is injected from two injection locations. In the same section,kerosene injection from pylons on bottom wall combined with wall injection on top wall can enhance the kerosene distribution well-proportioned along the combustor height and get better thrust performance. Upstream injections do not premix kerosene well with the main flow. If ignition fails,the fuel/air ratio of piloted flame will increase,which will restrain the ignition of kerosene injected from other injectors and result in worse thrust performance.
Key words:  Supersonic combustor  Multi-location injection  Kerosene distribution  Thrust benefit