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(南京航空航天大学 能源与动力学院,江苏 南京 210016)
关键词:  直升机  发动机  综合扭振模型  扭振抑制
Engine Vibration Compensation Based on Integrated Torsional Vibration Helicopter Model
MIAO Li-zhen,ZHANG Hai-bo,SUN Feng-yong,JU Xin-xing
(College of Energy and Power,Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing 210016,China)
The coupled instability would be caused by coupled free turbine and fuel regulation system during maneuvering flight. To fully compensate for the instability,the dynamics of torque transmission chain,which includes rotor/ hub/ transmission/ engine and fuselage,is investigated. With analysis of the torque transmission train,a high fidelity,integrated torsional vibration helicopter model is established. Based on that model,a notch filter with small phase shift,which is applied to speed control loop of the engine,is designed to do torsional vibration suppression of the turbo-shaft engine. Digital simulations show that torsional vibration of low and high frequency can both be observed in time domain,when the integrated torsional vibration helicopter model is run at different altitudes and Mach numbers. The vibration data in time domain accords with the low frequency torsional vibration of 1.92Hz and the high one of 52.52Hz in frequency domain. Also,the designed notch filter has a notch magnitude of -20dB. And its phase range covers [±]50°. Small phase shift can be seen in transmission band. Simulations show that vibration suppression characteristic of the coupled free turbine and fuel regulation system is remarkable with the designed filter.
Key words:  Helicopter  Engine  Integrated torsional vibration model  Torsional vibration suppression