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(海军工程大学 动力工程学院 舰船动力工程军队重点实验室,湖北 武汉 430033)
关键词:  非线性谐波法  多级轴流涡轮  数值计算  叶顶间隙  温度
Numerical Simulation on Effects of Tip Clearance on Unsteady Aerodynamic Performance of Multistage Axial Turbine
LI Yu-jie,LIU Yong-bao
(Military Key Laboratory for Naval Ship Power Engineering,College of Power Engineering, Naval University of Engineering,Wuhan 430033,China)
Turbine tip clearance has obvious effects on the aerodynamic performance of turbine. In order to study the unsteady effects of tip clearance on turbine efficiency and blade temperature field distribution,unsteady numerical simulation on multistage subsonic axial turbine was calculated by the Non-linear harmonic method. Effects of tip clearance on the turbine efficiency and blade temperature field distribution were analyzed. Results show that the fourth-order harmonic was fine enough between calculation resource and precision. When the tip clearance of R1 and R4 increased from 0.5% span to 1.5% span,the turbine efficiency will decrease by 0.44% and 0.76%,respectively. The near-tip region is the major high temperature region while the trailing edge has the sharpest temperature change. The rotor-stator interaction results in temperature periodic fluctuation of the high temperature field. Tip clearance height has no affect on the amplitude of temperature fluctuation but increased the fluctuation range. Vane has larger amplitude than blade does while the S2 has 11K fluctuation amplitude.
Key words:  Non-linear harmonic method  Multistage axial turbine  Numerical simulation  Tip clearance  Temperature