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单玉姣,郑 宁
(中航工业 沈阳发动机设计研究所,辽宁 沈阳 110015)
关键词:  超声速  高负荷风扇  转子  数值模拟  叶型优化  流场分析
Optimization Design of Supersonic Blade Profile
SHAN Yu-jiao,ZHENG Ning
(Avic Shenyang Engine Design and Research Institute,Shenyang 110015,China)
Optimization of blade profile on camber line for a highly-loaded single stage fan has been carried out,based on a aerodynamic optimization method with three-dimensional numerical simulation flow field analysis and camber line discrete points blade angle controlling model. An optimizing mechanism and design principles of supersonic blade profile camber line are proposed to improve the design technology of the highly-loaded fan rotor. The optimization was evaluated by commercial fluid dynamics calculation software. The results show that the efficiency of the fan at design point increases by 1.1% after optimization,the mass flow by 1.01 kg/s and the surge margin at design rotation speed by 1.85%. In the meantime,the performance at low-medium speed is maintained. It is proved that blade profile area ratio,pressure distribution at the blade surface and shock wave structure are important for performance of blade profile. It can be more reasonable by controlling the blade angle on camber line to improve the performance of the fan rotor.
Key words:  Supersonic speed  Highly loaded fan  Rotor  Numerical simulation  Blades optimization  Flow field analysis