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(西安交通大学 航天学院 机械结构强度与振动国家重点实验室,陕西 西安 710049)
关键词:  金属基燃料  热声振荡  特征频率  水燃比
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(11102151);高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(20110201120022);中央高校基本科研业务费 专项资金。
Characteristics of Thermoacoustic Oscillations in Magnesium-Based Water Ramjet
YANG Ya-jing,LI Xiao-ya,JING Hong-da
(School of Aerospace,State Key Laboratory for Strength and Vibration of Mechanical Structures, Xi’an Jiaotong University,Xi’an 710049,China)
Characteristics of thermoacoustic oscillations in magnesium-based water ramjets are investigated theoretically. The mechanism of thermoacoustic oscillations for magnesium combustion in steam atmospheres has been obtained based on analysis of Mg/H2O chemical reaction kinetics,and the results indicate that water dissociation under high temperature arouse heat release fluctuations,then coupled with pressure fluctuations under reliable phase,thermoacoustic oscillations would occure. A one-dimensional calculation model considering a mean flow for calculating eigenfrequency of thermoacoustic oscillations is established,and it is known that thermodynamic properties of primary combustion products and maximum water/fuel ratio 2.0,2.4,2.6 could be achieved based on developed thermodynamic calculation. The pressure wave equation is solved based on these inlet thermodynamic properties coupled with boundary conditions and conservation conditions. The results show that the oscillation model belongs to low-frequency oscillation due to real part of eigenfrequency less than 700Hz,while the imaginary part profile of complex frequency along with water/fuel ratio,water inlet position for three magnesium-based fuels indicate that these three factors hold great influence,and the development trend of oscillations could be transformed by through altering water supply.
Key words:  Metal-based fuel  Thermoacoustic oscillations  Eigenfrequency  Water/fuel ratio