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刘 聪1,朱惠人1,付仲议1,李 峥1,刘 辉2
(1. 西北工业大学 动力与能源学院,陕西 西安 710072;2. 中航商用航空发动机有限责任公司 基础技术部,上海 201108)
关键词:  涡轮动叶  吸力面  压力面  气膜冷却  雷诺数  马赫数
Experimental Study of Film Cooling Characteristics on Pressure and Suction Side in a Turbine Blade
LIU Cong1,ZHU Hui-ren1,FU Zhong-yi1,LI Zheng1,LIU Hui2
(1. School of Power and Energy,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xi’an 710072,China;2. AVIC Commercial Aircraft Engine Co.,LTD ,Shanghai 201108 ,China)
In order to investigate the film cooling characteristics of a turbine blade,the film cooling effectiveness on pressure side and suction side was measured in the short-duration transonic heat transfer wind tunnel at stationary condition,and the effects of mainstream Reynolds number,Mach number and blowing ratio on the distribution of film cooling effectiveness were analyzed. The experimental results indicate that,the overall effectiveness decreases with the blowing ratio increasing for both on pressure side and suction side. For the hole on pressure side,the effectiveness is higher at a higher Reynolds number case. When the blowing ratio is as high as 2.0 on suction side,the effectiveness of high Reynolds number cases is higher than low Reynolds number cases at the region near the hole (30 diameters). Changing Mach number has neglectable effects on effectiveness of pressure side. However,at the case of Ma=0.913 on suction side,the effectiveness decreases to 0.05 or lower abruptly at the position of 28 diameters.
Key words:  Turbine blade  Suction side  Pressure side  Film Cooling  Reynolds number  Mach number