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张海洋,蔚夺魁,王相平,伊 锋,李 根
(沈阳发动机设计研究所,辽宁 沈阳 110015)
关键词:  航空发动机  风扇  鸟撞击  损伤  鸟撞试验  数值模拟
Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Damage of Bird Impact on Fan Blades
ZHANG Hai-yang,YU Duo-kui,WANG Xiang-ping,YI Feng,LI Gen
(Shenyang Aeroengine Research Institute,Shenyang 110025,China)
Numerical simulation and test of bird impact on rotating fan blades were carried out to reveal the damage of fan blades when the bird was inhaled into aeroengine. Using SPH method in PAM-CRASH software,the numerical simulation was carried out to simulate the bird impact on rotating fan blades,and the process of bird impact fan blades was obtained,i.e. the leading edge of fan blade impact and cut the bird,pressure surface of blade impact the bird slice,and the recovery of the deformation of blade. The damages of blade leading edge,blade body,trailing edge and shoulder under bird strike were analyzed in detail and the effect on engine was also investigated. Bird impact on rotating fan rotor experiments was conducted. The process of the bird impact fan and the real damage patterns of fan blade were obtained,and agreed well with numerical simulation results. It is concluded from the numerical simulation and experimental results that,the main process of bird impact on fan is the blade leading edge cutting and impacting bird,and the main damage of fan blade include the deformation,tearing and fall-block of leading edge,the dislocation of shoulder lap joint and spallation of the shoulder. The weakest parts of fan blade are leading edge and shoulder under bird impact condition.
Key words:  Aeroengine  Fan  Bird impact  Damage  Bird impact test  Numerical simulation