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(兰州空间技术物理研究所 真空低温技术与物理国家级重点实验室,甘肃 兰州 730000)
关键词:  环型会切磁场  离子推力器  热模型
Thermal Model of LIPS-200 Ring-Cusp Magnet Field Ion Thruster
SUN Ming-ming,ZHANG Tian-ping,CHEN Juan-juan,LONG Jian-fei,WU Xian-ming
(National Key Laboratory of Vacuum and Cryogenic Technology on Physics, Lanzhou Institute of Physics,Lanzhou 730000,China)
In order to establish the thermal model for the domestic 20cm diameter discharge chamber of LIPS-200 ring-cusp ion thruster,the generation process of the plasma in the discharge chamber has been investigated. The temperature of the secondary electron,ion density and the distribution of the electron density were obtained numerically. Based on the results obtained,the current deposition model and the energy deposition model of every key component of the chamber were established. According to the calculation results with the thermal model,finite element thermal analysis was performed under the steady state of the thruster,and also the thermal balance experiments were performed. The results indicate that the electron temperature in discharge chamber was in the range of 2~4eV,and ionization mainly appeared near the thruster’s axis ,where the xenon ionization reaction rates and electron temperature were the highest,and ion density was about 1017/m3 in the discharge chamber. The energy depositing on inner surface of the wall chiefly came from the secondary electrons and xenon ions.
Key words:  Ring-cusp magnet field  Ion thruster  Thermal model