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罗 磊,陈 朔,温风波,王松涛
(哈尔滨工业大学 能源科学与工程学院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150001)
关键词:  涡轮  冷却  管网计算  三维温度场计算  气热耦合计算
Application of Parameterized Design System for Gas Turbine Rotor Blades without Film Cooling
LUO Lei,CHEN Shuo,WEN Feng-bo,WANG Song-tao
(School of Energy Science and Engineering,Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin 150001,China)
Whether taking OTDF(Overall Temperature Distribution Factor) into account or not,a set of design system was used to accomplish the cooling structure design of the gas turbine first stage rotor blades. It shows that the optimal cooling structure can be fast obtained with pipe-net calculation,three-dimensional temperature field calculation performing thermal analysis and aero-thermal conjugated calculation. Moreover,without consideration of OTDF,flow rate of the first chamber is 16.9g/s,the second is 40.8g/s,and the highest dimensionless temperature is 0.700. Double inlet with serpentine channel has good effect on heat transfer and simple structure.To meet temperature requirement while taking the OTDF into consideration,flow rate of the first chamber is 18.2 g/s,the second is 25.4g/s,the third is 5.3g/s,and the highest dimensionless temperature is 0.752. Through multi-program design,a better cooling effect has been achieved by using three cooling air inlets and multi-turn channel under no film cooling condition.
Key words:  Turbine  Cooling  Pipe-net calculation  Three-dimensional temperature field calculation  Aero-thermal conjugated calculation