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童 飞1,张 丽1,华锐睿1,陆海鹰2,梁义强2
(1. 西北工业大学 动力与能源学院,陕西 西安 710072;2. 中航工业沈阳发动机研究所,辽宁 沈阳 110000)
关键词:  直通篦齿  密封  衬套  凸起  泄漏系数  数值研究
Numerical Investigation of Protrusions on Leakage of Straight-Through Labyrinth Seal
TONG Fei1,ZHANG Li1,HUA Rui-rui1,LU Hai-ying2,LIANG Yi-qiang2
(1. School of Power and Energy,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xi’an 710072,China;2. AVIC Shenyang Aircraft Engine Design Institute,Shenyang 110000,China)
To improve the performance of labyrinth seal,a straight-through labyrinth seal with protrusions on the smooth bush has been numerically investigated. The effects of pressure ratio,protrusions size and the space between teeth and protrusions are studied. Compared with smooth bush straight-through labyrinth seal,protrusions destroy the wall jet boundary layer continuity and change the direction of the jet flow,which improve the seal performance and decrease the mass flow effectively. The study reveals that when the pressure ratio is 2,the leakage coefficient of labyrinth seal with protrusions can decrease by 13% in comparison with smooth bush labyrinth seal,and when the pressure ratio is 4,the leakage coefficient is reduced by 18%. The narrower width and the higher height the protrusions can have,the better seal performance the labyrinth seal can get. Additionally,with a decrease of the axial distance between protrusion and the next tooth,the protrusion can greatly change the direction of the jet which flows into the next tooth,and thus improve the seal performance evidently.
Key words:  Straight-through labyrinth seal  Seal  Bush  Protrusion  Leakage coefficient  Numerical investigation